Osram shareholders formally approve the actions of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board elects chairman and his deputies

At the company’s first, public Annual General Meeting in Munich, the shareholders of OSRAM Licht AG signaled their formal approval of the actions of the members of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board for the 2013 fiscal year with 99.78 and 99.77 percent respectively. Furthermore, the Annual General Meeting of OSRAM Licht AG elected the six proposed shareholder representatives to the Supervisory Board. In its constitutive meeting following the Annual General Meeting, the Supervisory Board of OSRAM Licht AG further endorsed Peter Bauer (53) as Chairman. Michael Knuth (56) was re-elected on Thursday as Deputy Chairman, as was Roland Busch (49) as a further deputy.

The Supervisory Board members as at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting are:

  • Peter Bauer, independent management consultant
  • Dr. Christine Bortenlänger, Chief Executive of Deutsches Aktieninstitut e.V.
  • Dr. Roland Busch, Member of the Managing Board of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
  • Dr. Joachim Faber, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Börse AG
  • Prof. Dr. Lothar Frey, Professor at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and Head of the Fraunhofer Institute IISB
  • Frank (Franciscus) H. Lakerveld, Member of the Supervisory Board of Sonepar S.A.

The following members had already been court-appointed as employee representatives with effect from September 3, 2013:

  • Michael Knuth, Union Secretary, Spokesman of IG Metall Bavaria
  • Alfred Haas, Head of the Public Affairs Department, OSRAM GmbH
  • Hubert Rosskopf, Member of the Works Council of OSRAM GmbH, Eichstätt site
  • Willi Sattler, Member of the Works Council of OSRAM GmbH, Augsburg site, General Works Council Chairman
  • Irene Schulz, Executive Member of the Managing Board of IG Metall, Frankfurt
  • Thomas Wetzel, Member of the Works Council of OSRAM GmbH, Berlin site

Overall, the resolutions on all points on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting were passed by a large majority. Detailed voting results can soon be found at www.osram-group.com/en/investors


OSRAM of Munich, Germany is one of the two leading light manufacturers in the world. The company's portfolio covers the entire value chain from components – including lamps, electronic control gear and opto semiconductors such as light-emitting diodes (LED) – as well as luminaires, light management systems and lighting solutions. OSRAM has more than 35,000 employees worldwide and generated revenue of almost €5.3 billion in fiscal 2013 (ended September 30). The company's business activities have been focusing on light – and hence on quality of life – for over 100 years. The company was listed on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt and Munich on July 8, 2013 (ISIN: DE000LED4000; WKN: LED 400; Trading symbol: OSR). Additional information can be found at www.osram-group.com