Product status: Production
AS1163 is a mixed signal silicon device optimized for automotive dynamic lighting applications (interior, exterior, smart surface etc.). The basic purpose of AS1163 is to drive 9 LEDs organized in 3 channel triplets (RGB) or simply 9 single-color LEDs with an independent PWM dimming dynamic range up to 16 bits. AS1163 is often addressed with a different name: “SAID”, an acronym which stands for Stand-Alone Intelligent Driver.
A daisy chain configuration of multiple AS1163 devices will enable cost effective implementation of complex dynamic lighting effects. AS1163 supports single layer slim PCB designs.The communication protocol supported by AS1163 (
OSP: Open System Protocol)
is fully compatible with the ams OSRAM OSIRE E3731i. AS1163 will support additional features such as I²C gateway, parallel connection, power-rail feedback, analog readout. Each AS1163 device in the chain will be usable by the MCU to read and write an external I²C device, e.g. EEPROM, temperature sensor, Ambient Light Sensor.