Code of Conduct (CoC)
Commitment to our Code of Conduct for ams OSRAM suppliers
The Code of Conduct (CoC) for suppliers is the foundation of our cooperation with our suppliers when it comes to meeting social, ethical, human rights and environmental standards. This Code of Conduct incorporates our basic principles and international standards such as the UN Global Compact, the Code of Conduct of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) and the Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
Fulfilling these standards is an essential part of our responsible procurement approach and outlines the expectations towards our suppliers and their employees.
Among others we expect our suppliers:
- to comply with all laws and regulations and with the principles set out in our ams OSRAM Code of Conduct for Suppliers
- to make reasonable efforts to identify social, human rights, environmental and climate-related risks in its own supply chain and to ensure that its suppliers comply with requirements comparable to those stipulated in this code
- cooperate with ams OSRAM and provide relevant information and documents for the fulfillment of our obligations under applicable law
- cooperate with ams OSRAM in case of audits at supplier in order to verify the compliance with this Code of Conduct
- to undertake applicable steps to put an end to the possible violations of this Code of Conduct
- to participate in the trainings offered from ams OSRAM regarding the social, ethical, human rights and environmental requirements
> Code of Conduct_EN
> Code of Conduct_ DE
> Code of Conduct_ CN
> Code of Conduct_JP