Webinar: OSLON™ Boost HM - the high luminance LED for ultra slim head lamp deisns and ADB hot spot
Watch our on-demand webinar about our new OSLON™ Boost HM
You want to realize and equip an ultra slim headlamp with a high luminance SMT LED? You’re planning
to implement a matrix system with just one LED footprint? You want to reduce lamp system costs for
your matrix applications? Then we have something for you, the OSLON™ Boost HM, the high luminance
LED for ultra slim headlamp designs and ADB hot spot.
Why attend this webinar?
- Learn about our new OSLON™ Boost HM, its features and benefits
- Find out which applications it's suitable for and how it can be used
- Discover how you can reduce system costs by using same PCB layout
Philipp Puchinger
ams OSRAMProduct Marketing Manager AM Exterior
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