Financial news - Ad-hoc
Ad hoc Mitteilung gemäß Art. 53 KR der SIX Swiss Exchange
ams OSRAM erzielt solide EUR 881 Mio. Umsatz sowie 19% bereinigte EBITDA-Marge im 3. Quartal und plant weitere Einsparungen an laufenden Kosten
Mehr lesen2024/09/24
ams OSRAM veröffentlicht Zeitplan für die Aktienzusammenlegung im Verhältnis 10:1 und erwartet den ersten Handelstag der neuen Aktien am 30. September 2024
Mehr lesen2024/07/26
ams OSRAM erzielt soliden Umsatz im 2. Quartal und setzt Turnaround mit Profitabilität am oberen Ende der prognostizierten Spanne fort
Mehr lesen2024/05/15
ams OSRAM hat die Beschlussvorschläge für die Hauptversammlung 2024 veröffentlicht und geht von einer Wiederwahl der Vorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrats Frau Dr. Margarete Haase aus
Mehr lesen2024/05/07
ams OSRAM verkauft Vermögenswerte im Bereich Passive Optische Komponenten an Focuslight Technologies Inc. für EUR 45 Mio. in bar
Mehr lesen2024/04/26
ams OSRAM verzeichnet solides erstes Quartal mit strukturellem Wachstum auf vergleichbarer Basis, restrukturiert die microLED-Entwicklung, plant Ausstieg aus 8-Zoll-Wafer-Fabrik und ist auf Kurs zu positivem Free Cashflow
Mehr lesen2024/04/26
ams OSRAM hat den Geschäftsbericht 2023 veröffentlicht
Mehr lesen2024/02/28
ams OSRAM überarbeitet microLED Strategie, erwartet Wertberichtigung, passt sein mittelfristiges, strukturelles Wachstumsmodell leicht an auf nun 6 bis 8% und erwartet ein verbessertes Cash-Flow-Profil
Mehr lesen2024/02/09
ams OSRAM verzeichnet solides viertes Quartal mit Umsatz und bereinigter Gewinnspanne leicht besser als erwartet; Fortsetzung des Konzernumbaus, um von strukturellem Wachstum zu profitieren
Q4/23: Quartalsumsatz von EUR 908 Mio. über der Mitte der Prognosespanne
Mehr lesen2023/12/06
ams OSRAM gibt vorläufige Ergebnisse der Ausübungsperiode der Bezugsrechtsemission mit 99,0% Inanspruchnahme der Bezugsrechte bekannt
Mehr lesen2023/11/16
ams OSRAM gibt die erfolgreiche Preisfestsetzung für ein aufgestocktes Angebot von vorrangigen Anleihen bekannt und zieht damit die letzte Komponente des angekündigten umfassenden Finanzierungsplans vor
Anleihen Preisfestsetzung
Mehr lesen2023/10/31
Profitabilität von ams OSRAM erreicht im 3. Quartal oberes Ende der Prognose, bei Umsatz über der Mitte der Spanne – bestätigt mittelfristiges Zielmodell dank Erfolgen im Automobilsektor
Q3 2023 Ergebnisse
Mehr lesen2023/10/30
ams OSRAM unterzeichnet Infrastruktur-Asset-Transaktionen über bis zu 450 Mio. EUR als Teil seines aktuellen Finanzierungsplans
Sale & Lease Back des neuen 8-Zoll-Produktionsgebäudes in Kulim über rund 400 Millionen EUR
Mehr lesen2023/09/27
ams OSRAM leitet langfristige Finanzierung für strukturelles Wachstum ein
Mehr lesen2023/07/27
ams OSRAM schärft Portfolio hinsichtlich Profitabilität und strukturelles Wachstum – Rendite im Q2 am oberen Ende der Prognose
Strategieupdate und Q2 2023 Ergebnisse
Mehr lesen2023/05/02
ams OSRAM gibt Ergebnisse des 1. Quartals im Rahmen der Erwartungsspanne in schwierigem Marktumfeld bekannt ...
Q1 2023 Ergebnisse
Mehr lesen2023/04/27
ams OSRAM hat den Geschäftsbericht 2022 veröffentlicht
Mehr lesen2023/02/07
ams OSRAM mit insgesamt soliden Ergebnissen für Gesamtjahr und 4. Quartal in anspruchsvollem Marktumfeld und im Einklang mit Erwartungsspanne für das 4. Quartal; ...
GJ & Q4 2022 Ergebnisse
Mehr lesen2023/01/30
Alexander Everke übergibt Vorstandsvorsitz von ams OSRAM an Aldo Kamper
Übergabe Vorstandsvorsitz
Mehr lesen2022/11/02
ams OSRAM mit solidem Umsatz und operativer Profitabilität (ber.) für 3. Quartal vollständig im Rahmen der Erwartungen in anspruchsvollem Marktumfeld; aktualisierte Mittelfristziele, microLED-Entwicklung schreitet voran ...
Q3 2022 Ergebnisse
Mehr lesen2022/07/29
ams OSRAM mit soliden Ergebnissen in anspruchsvollem Lieferketten- und volatilerem Marktumfeld; Umsatz und operative Profitabilität (ber.) im 2. Quartal vollständig im Rahmen der Erwartungen
Q2 & HY results
Mehr lesen2022/05/20
ams OSRAM Aufsichtsrat plant, Dr. Margarete Haase zur Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden als Nachfolgerin des ausscheidenden Vorsitzenden Mag. Hans Jörg Kaltenbrunner zu wählen
Mehr lesen2022/05/03
ams OSRAM continues healthy financial performance with first quarter revenues and operating profitability (adj.) above midpoint of expectation range ...
Q1 2022 results
Mehr lesen2022/04/29
ams OSRAM has published the Annual Report 2021
Mehr lesen2022/04/05
ams OSRAM outlines path to leadership in optical solutions to drive significant value generation and achieve 20+% adj. EBIT margin target, adding mid-term financial targets, at virtual CMD
Mehr lesen2022/02/08
ams OSRAM delivers healthy full year and very solid fourth quarter results with profitability at midpoint of expectation range despite ongoing market imbalances and supply chain volatility
Full year + Q4 2021 results
Mehr lesen2022/01/03
ams OSRAM announces end of convertible bonds repurchase program
Mehr lesen2021/11/02
ams OSRAM reports robust third quarter results delivering strong profitability and operating cash flow ...
Q3 2021 results
Mehr lesen2021/07/30
ams OSRAM reports second quarter group results well above mid-point of guidance range with revenues of USD 1,491 million and adj. operating margin of 9%
Q2 2021 results
Mehr lesen2021/06/02
ams’ Annual General Meeting approves all items on the agenda except item 8
Mehr lesen2021/05/04
ams reports robust first quarter group results driven by healthy demand ...
Selected financial information for the first quarter of 2021
Mehr lesen2021/05/03
ams to launch delisting offer for OSRAM
Mehr lesen2021/04/30
ams has published the Annual Report 2020
Mehr lesen2021/04/23
ams announces contract extension for CEO Alexander Everke as well as candidates Brigitte Ederer and Dr Margarete Haase for election to the enlarged Supervisory Board
Mehr lesen2021/03/22
Repurchase of Convertible Bonds
Mehr lesen2021/02/23
Domination and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement with OSRAM Licht AG expected to be registered and take effect shortly
Mehr lesen2021/02/09
ams reports positive full year group results and strong full year group cash flow; record full year revenues and earnings for ams business
Mehr lesen2020/11/06
ams reports third quarter ams revenues near top end with profitability towards top end of expected ams range ...
Selected financial information for the third quarter 2020
Mehr lesen2020/10/27
ams announces successful placement of EUR 760 million convertible bonds due 2027
Mehr lesen2020/10/27
ams launches offering by way of private placement of approx. EUR 750 million convertible bonds due 2027 ...
Mehr lesen2020/10/22
ams announces change in employee representatives on the Supervisory Board
Mehr lesen2020/10/08
ams announces exclusion of subscription rights in relation to a potential placement of Convertible Bonds; ...
Mehr lesen2020/09/22
ams and OSRAM conclude Domination and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement
DPLTA enables ams to implement strategy to create a global leader in sensor solutions and photonics
Mehr lesen2020/07/29
ams reports second quarter revenues at mid-point and profitability at top end of expectation range ...
Selected financial information for the second quarter and first half 2020
Mehr lesen2020/07/24
ams employee representative Johann Eitner retires from Supervisory Board
Mehr lesen2020/07/13
ams announces the offering of additional EUR 200 million 6% senior notes due 2025
Mehr lesen2020/07/09
ams announces successful closing of the OSRAM acquisition, aims to create a global leader in sensor solutions and photonics
Mehr lesen2020/06/30
ams announces the successful pricing of EUR 650 million and USD 400 million senior notes
Mehr lesen2020/06/26
ams approached Austrian authorities on recent media reports; no FMA investigation into the company
Mehr lesen2020/06/22
ams announces the offering of EUR 1,000 million equivalent senior notes
Mehr lesen2020/06/10
ams announces extension of Management Board contract for CBO Mark Hamersma until end of 2023
Mehr lesen2020/06/08
ams announces extension of Management Board contract for COO Dr. Thomas Stockmeier until end of 2023
Mehr lesen2020/06/03
ams’ Annual General Meeting approves overwhelming majority of items on the agenda
Mehr lesen2020/04/29
ams reports first quarter revenues and adjusted operating (EBIT) margin in upper half of guidance range ...
Selected financial information for the first quarter 2020
Mehr lesen2020/04/27
ams achieves maximum share repurchase volume and completes current share repurchase program
Mehr lesen2020/04/06
ams announces share repurchase program to service obligations under long-term employee incentive programs, starting on 8 April 2020
Mehr lesen2020/04/01
ams announces results of share offering in conjunction with rights issue
Mehr lesen2020/03/31
ams announces completion of exercise period in rights issue with 62% take-up of rights, closing expected on 3 April 2020
Mehr lesen2020/03/11
ams announces terms of the Rights Issue
Mehr lesen2020/03/06
ams confirms expectations for first quarter inclusive of assessment of Covid-19 situation
Mehr lesen2020/03/06
ams CFO Michael Wachsler to step down with a view to standing for election to the Supervisory Board ...
Mehr lesen2020/02/11
ams announces successful placement of 3,350,688 treasury shares
ams has successfully placed 3,350,688 of its treasury shares at a price of CHF 44.25 per share with a selected number of institutional investors
Mehr lesen2020/02/11
ams reports record results for full year 2019, revenues up 32% year-on-year;
Selected financial information for the fourth quarter and full year 2019
Mehr lesen2020/02/10
ams announces firm intention to enter into a Domination and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement with OSRAM
Domination and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement facilitates the speedy implementation of ams' strategic vision for OSRAM
Mehr lesen2020/01/28
ams intends to place currently held 3.35 million treasury shares
ams intends to place its entire treasury stock of 3.35 million shares prior to the forthcoming rights issue
Mehr lesen2020/01/03
ams announces end of convertible bonds repurchase program announced on 12 March 2019
Program ended on 30 December 2019 due to the expiry of its term
Mehr lesen2020/01/03
ams has published the proposals for the Extraordinary General Meeting 2020
Supervisory and Management Board proposals published
Mehr lesen2020/01/02
ams announces final result in takeover offer for OSRAM
Final acceptance level of 59.9% at the end of the additional acceptance period
Mehr lesen2019/12/06
ams announces acceptance threshold for ams’ takeover offer for OSRAM is satisfied
ams has today exceeded the minimum acceptance threshold of 55%
Mehr lesen2019/10/22
ams reports third quarter revenues above top end of guidance range with strong operating profitability well above expectations;
Selected financial information for the third quarter 2019
Mehr lesen2019/10/18
ams to launch new takeover offer for OSRAM at EUR 41.00 per share with minimum acceptance threshold of 55%
Mehr lesen2019/10/04
ams offer for OSRAM did not achieve minimum acceptance threshold; ams remains committed to pursue the acquisition of OSRAM
Mehr lesen2019/09/27
ams is the largest shareholder in OSRAM with a direct shareholding of 14.69%
Mehr lesen2019/09/27
ams presents best and final takeover offer for OSRAM at EUR 41.00 per share expiring on 1 October
Mehr lesen2019/08/21
ams to launch takeover offer at €38.50 per OSRAM share following waiver of standstill
Mehr lesen2019/08/14
ams sees Business Combination Agreement (BCA) negotiations with OSRAM moving ahead ...
Mehr lesen2019/08/11
ams submitted a proposal to OSRAM for a takeover offer at a price of €38.50 per share
Mehr lesen2019/07/23
ams reports second quarter revenues in upper half of guidance range with profitability above expectations ...
Selected financial information for the second quarter and first half 2019
Mehr lesen2019/07/16
ams statement with regards to recent publication by OSRAM Licht AG
Mehr lesen2019/06/05
ams’ Annual General Meeting approves all voting items on the agenda
Mehr lesen2019/05/15
ams has published the proposals for the Annual General Meeting 2019
Mehr lesen2019/04/30
ams reports first quarter revenues at top end of guidance range and operating profitability above guidance despite seasonality ...
Selected financial information for the first quarter 2019
Mehr lesen2019/04/01
ams announces achievement of maximum share repurchase volume ...
Mehr lesen2019/03/18
ams and Wise Road Capital advance further development for environmental, ...
ams sensing technology expertise combined with Wise Road Capital’s China market access create a powerful combination
Mehr lesen2019/03/12
Repurchase of its Convertible Bonds ...
Mehr lesen2019/02/21
ams announces extension of Management Board contract for CFO Michael Wachsler-Markowitsch until 2022
Mehr lesen2019/02/05
ams reports record revenues for full year 2018, up 34% year-on-year ...
Selected financial information for full year and fourth quarter 2018
Mehr lesen2018/11/14
ams updates fourth quarter 2018 outlook; discontinues previous reference to specific time periods for growth and profitability targets; expects annual double-digit revenue growth for the coming years
Mehr lesen2018/11/06
ams announces partial buyback of USD convertible bonds, due 2022, and/or EUR convertible bonds, due 2025
Mehr lesen2018/10/22
ams reports third quarter revenues in upper third of guidance range and operating profitability in line with guidance; ongoing high volume ramps ...
Key financial data for third quarter 2018
Mehr lesen2018/07/23
ams reports second quarter revenues and profitability above previous guidance; anticipated major ramps in consumer optical sensing underway; ...
Key financial data for second quarter and first half 2018
Mehr lesen2018/07/03
ams announces extension of Management Board contract for CEO Alexander Everke until 2021
Mehr lesen2018/06/06
ams' Annual General Meeting approves all voting items on the agenda
Mehr lesen2018/06/04
ams has published the proposals for the Annual General Meeting on 6 June 2018
Mehr lesen2018/04/23
ams reports first quarter results in guidance range reflecting customer volume effects, revenues up 147% year-on-year ...
Key financial data for first quarter 2018
Mehr lesen2018/03/27
ams implements a revised earn-out structure gaining 100% acceptance by former Heptagon shareholders ...
Revised earn-out structure replaces the initial cash/share combination
Mehr lesen2018/02/26
ams launches EUR 600 million 7-year zero-coupon convertible bond placement
Mehr lesen2018/02/20
ams proposes revised shares-only earn-out structure to former Heptagon shareholders ...
Proposal replaces cash/share combination with revised shares-only distribution contingent on approval threshold
Mehr lesen2018/02/26
ams announces successful placement of EUR 600 million 7-year zero-coupon convertible bonds
Mehr lesen2018/02/06
ams announces exclusion of subscription rights in relation to potential convertible bond placement
Mehr lesen2018/02/06
ams reports record full year 2017 results with fourth quarter revenues up 252% and operating result up 683% year-on-year for in-line profitability ...
Selected financial information for fiscal year and fourth quarter 2017
Mehr lesen2018/01/29
ams pre-announces fourth quarter 2017 revenues of EUR 470.3 million resulting in record full year 2017 revenues ...
Mehr lesen2017/12/15
ams expands Management Board with Mark Hamersma as Chief Business Development Officer
Mehr lesen2017/11/08
ams announces new share repurchase program for up to two year period to start on 10 November 2017
Mehr lesen2017/11/07
ams and Sunny Opotech, part of Sunny Optical Technology Group, enter collaboration ...
Mehr lesen2017/10/23
ams reports significant third quarter revenue growth in expected range with adjusted EBIT margin above expectations ...
Key financial data for third quarter 2017
Mehr lesen2017/09/25
ams launches USD 350 million 5-year convertible bond placement
Mehr lesen2017/09/25
ams announces successful placement of USD 350 million 5-year convertible bonds
Mehr lesen2017/09/06
ams announces exclusion of subscription rights in relation to potential convertible bond placement
Mehr lesen2017/07/24
ams reports second quarter revenues above guidance range despite negative EUR/USD trend; revised expected revenue growth CAGR 2016-2019 of more than 40% ...
Key financial data for second quarter and first half 2017
Mehr lesen2017/07/03
ams announces completion of transaction to acquire Princeton Optronics
Mehr lesen2017/06/09
ams’ Annual General Meeting approves all voting items on the agenda; dividend policy updated
Mehr lesen2017/04/24
ams reports first quarter 2017 results above previous guidance; sequential revenue growth expected for second quarter ...
Key financial data for first quarter 2017
Mehr lesen2017/03/16
ams signs agreement to acquire VCSEL technology leader Princeton Optronics
Transaction expands ams’ value chain in optical sensor solutions for mobile 3D sensing and imaging, consumer augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) and automotive applications
Mehr lesen2017/02/07
ams reports full year 2016 results with fourth quarter 2016 revenues at upper end of guidance ...
Financial information for fiscal year 2016 and fourth quarter 2016
Mehr lesen2017/01/24
ams announces completion of transaction to acquire Heptagon and related capital increase
Mehr lesen2016/10/24
ams acquires high end optical packaging leader Heptagon to become clear worldwide leader in optical sensing ...
Transforming transaction to create end-to-end optical sensing and packaging leader and drive ams’ global leadership in sensor solutions; key financial data for the third quarter 2016
Mehr lesen2016/07/29
ams divests NFC and RFID reader product lines to increase focus on sensor solutions retaining sensing-related wireless activities
Mehr lesen2016/07/26
ams has published half-year report
Mehr lesen2016/07/25
ams reports second quarter results with revenues in upper half of guidance range reflecting demanding market environment ...
Key financial data for second quarter and first half 2016
Mehr lesen2016/07/11
ams issues promissory note for EUR 175.5 million in an international placement
Mehr lesen2016/06/16
ams acquires CCMOSS to become world leader in gas and infrared sensing
Completing ams’ sensor portfolio, transaction creates technology leader in CMOS-based gas sensing and infrared sensing for automotive, industrial, medical, and consumer applications
Mehr lesen2016/06/02
ams’ Annual General Meeting approves all voting items on the agenda
Mehr lesen2016/05/11
Convocation Annual General Meeting
Mehr lesen2016/04/25
ams reports positive first quarter results in a demanding market environment; first quarter revenues near upper end of guidance range ...
Key financial data for first quarter 2016
Mehr lesen2016/04/25
ams reports positive first quarter results in a demanding market environment; first quarter revenues near upper end of guidance range ...
Key financial data for first quarter 2016
Mehr lesen2016/02/02
ams reports record year with strong full year 2015 growth and fourth quarter 2015 revenues above high end of expectations ...
Financial information for fiscal year 2015 and fourth quarter 2015
Mehr lesen2015/11/20
ams acquires CMOSIS, a leading supplier of high-end area scan and miniature medical CMOS image sensors
Acquisition expands ams’ optical sensor portfolio and market leadership with high-value solutions for machine vision, medical, photographic and scientific imaging at expected 2015 revenues of approx. EUR 60m
Mehr lesen2015/07/27
ams reports second quarter results at high end of expectations; year-on-year revenue growth expected in third quarter; revenue target of EUR 1bn in 2019 ...
Key financial data for the second quarter and first half 2015
Mehr lesen2015/06/09
ams’ Annual General Meeting approves all voting items on the agenda
Mehr lesen2015/04/27
ams reports first quarter 2015 results ahead of expectations; expects further sequential growth in second quarter; Annual Report 2014 published
Key financial data for the first quarter 2015
Mehr lesen2015/01/19
ams pre-announces fourth quarter 2014 revenues exceeding guidance at EUR 139.0 million ...
Mehr lesen2014/12/04
ams enters agreement to acquire private sensor specialist acam-messelectronic
A leading provider of sensor solutions based on time-to-digital conversion, acam-messelectronic expands ams’ sensor solutions portfolio for high precision applications
Mehr lesen2014/10/29
ams expands Management Board with Thomas Stockmeier joining as Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Mehr lesen2014/10/20
ams reports record third quarter revenues and earnings ahead of expectations; expects revenue growth and strong profitability in fourth quarter
Key financial data for the third quarter 2014
Mehr lesen2014/07/28
ams reports second quarter revenues and profitability ahead of expectations; expects strong revenue growth and higher profitability in third quarter
Key financial data for the second quarter and first half 2014
Mehr lesen2014/07/22
Mehr lesen2014/06/26
ams AG (“ams”) and dialog semiconductor PLC (“Dialog Semiconductor”) - statement regarding possible merger of equals of ams and Dialog Semiconductor
Mehr lesen2014/06/04
ams enters agreement to acquire private gas sensor specialist AppliedSensor
A global leader in solid-state gas sensors, AppliedSensor expands ams’ sensor solutions portfolio to support new volume applications in industrial, automotive, and consumer
Mehr lesen2014/05/22
ams’ Annual General Meeting approves all items on the agenda
Mehr lesen2014/05/21
ams wins patent validity lawsuit launched by Melexis; existing patent infringement verdict against Melexis reinstated and in force
Mehr lesen2014/05/19
ams announces update to agenda of Annual General Meeting due to withdrawal of items 8, 9, and 11
Mehr lesen2014/04/28
ams reports first quarter results ahead of revenue guidance and showing over 500 bp year-on-year EBIT margin increase; publishes Annual Report 2013
Key financial data for the first quarter 2014
Mehr lesen2014/02/04
ams reports solid full year and positive fourth quarter 2013 results; sees seasonality and OEM program shifts impacting first quarter 2014
Financial information for fiscal year 2013 and fourth quarter 2013
Mehr lesen2013/12/17
ams expects lower revenues but better EBIT margin in the fourth quarter 2013, sees gesture recognition solution starting production in the first quarter 2014
Mehr lesen2013/10/21
ams reports second quarter and first half results
Key financial data for the second quarter and first half 2013
Mehr lesen2013/07/10
ams to be included in SMIM® index of 30 largest Swiss-listed mid-cap stocks outside of SMI®
SIX Swiss Exchange Index Commission admits ams to SMIM® index effective September 23, 2013
Mehr lesen2013/06/10
ams updates business expectations
Mehr lesen2013/05/23
Annual General Meeting approves majority of items on the agenda; ams announces reduction of Supervisory Board to improve efficiency and streamline decision-making
Mehr lesen2013/05/14
ams CEO John Heugle agrees to step down with immediate effect; Kirk Laney to assume position of CEO
Mehr lesen2013/04/26
ams publishes Annual Report 2012
Mehr lesen2013/04/22
ams reports first quarter results; announces its CEO will not extend contract beyond current term ending February 2014
Key financial data for the first quarter 2013
Mehr lesen2013/01/29
ams reports financial results for fiscal year 2012
Financial information for fiscal year 2012 and fourth quarter 2012
Mehr lesen2012/11/13
ams announces completion of transaction to acquire the RFID design center IDS
Mehr lesen2012/10/22
ams reports third quarter results and agreement to acquire private RFID design center
Key financial data for the third quarter 2012
Mehr lesen2012/07/24
ams publishes Half Year Report
Mehr lesen2012/07/23
ams reports second quarter and first half results
Key financial data for the second quarter and first half 2012
Mehr lesen2012/05/24
Annual General Meeting approves all items on the agenda including name change to ams AG with a large majority
Mehr lesen2012/04/24
austriamicrosystems reports first quarter results
Mehr lesen2012/02/29
austriamicrosystems reports financial results for fiscal year 2011
Audited financial information for fiscal year 2011 and fourth quarter 2011
Mehr lesen2012/01/18
austriamicrosystems reports preliminary financial information
Preliminary financial information for full year and fourth quarter 2011
Mehr lesen