Static forward lighting
Revolution in automotive static headlamps. From halogen replacement with more cost-efficient LEDs, to heatsinkless technology and laser light.
Static forward lighting/headlamps from halogen to LED and laser headlights
Traditional lamps are disappearing more and more from static forward lighting and are being replaced by LEDs. But special solutions such as the combination of high-power LEDs with additional lasers, also ensure the best visibility in all road conditions and allow powerful high and low beams.
ams OSRAM offering
ams OSRAM is a leading supplier for this application – from halogen lamps to LED retrofits and LED solutions. With ‘heatsinkless LEDs’ ams OSRAM is revolutionizing classic headlights for high beam/low beam and is aiming to replace halogen lights in the long run. Existing headlights in the market rely on heat sinks for thermal management. In contrast, the basic idea for cooling the LEDs within the system is to rely on free convection starting from metal core PCBs instead of using dedicated heat sinks. Due to the high electrical efficiency of the light sources, low thermal management efforts and the possibility to use low-cost PCBs, a cost-optimized system can be designed. The enhanced space also allows for more design freedom while retaining the required brightness. Additional high-beam spot lamps for extra-long range can be realized by high-luminance LEDs.
Using supportive laser light for vehicle high-beam in headlamps, is further advancing automotive lighting. The second generation of blue multi-mode laser diodes by ams OSRAM doubles the range to 600 meters (compared to previous LED solutions) while simultaneously simplifying system design when the diodes are used in the car’s auxiliary high beam. Driving at dusk or at night puts great strain on the driver’s eyes and reduces their ability to concentrate. Used as a light source for auxiliary high beam – which illuminates the road further than conventional high beam – ams OSRAM’s laser makes driving at night safer. Due to our laser diodes car lights can be designed and built smaller than ever before without compromising light output.

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