Ambient light, color,  spectral & proximity sensors

Industry's broadest portfolio of high-performance and high-sensitivity digital discrete and integrated module optical sensors including ambient light sensors, RGB and XYZ color sensors, and spectral sensors.

Ambient light, color & spectral sensors

Our ambient light, color and spectral sensors are the perfect example of how ams OSRAM brings intelligence to light and passion to innovation. We develop leading-edge optical technologies that enable our customers to create innovative solutions that open new markets. With many successfully developed for mobile & wearable devices, our ALS, color and spectral sensors, are ubiquitous across a growing number of fields as the megatrends of digitalization and energy efficiency drive demand for these products.

The core competence of ams OSRAM in complex, highest volume optical modules like these is unmatched in the industry. The significant level of integration we undertake, for example light sensor integration at package and wafer level, drives an increase in performance among other benefits. Our wide and deep technology portfolio from light source, optical path and package to IC and software/algorithms, enables differentiated products and integrated solutions across the value chain.

ambient light sensors, ambient color sensors, ambient spectral sensors

Ambient light sensors

The ambient light sensor (ALS) products provide measurements of ambient light intensity which matches the human eye response to light under a variety of lighting conditions. Each device has a specific operating range of performance, lux measurement, from extremely low light up to bright sunlight.

High sensitivity coupled with wide dynamic range make these ALS products ideal for operation behind dark inked glass. They enable consumer electronics device manufacturers to implement display dimming and brightness control functions, helping to reduce power consumption and extend battery run-time, and improving the overall user experience.

ambient light sensors

Color sensors

The color sensors provide both ambient light intensity (lux) as well as light correlated color temperature (CCT). The color sensor product family includes both RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and high-accuracy XYZ light sensors for precise color measurement, determination, and discrimination. XYZ sensors are capable of providing xy chromaticity coordinates in accordance with the CIE 1931 color map.

The color sensors include filters to block unwanted IR light, enabling highly accurate color measurement. Their high sensitivity coupled with their wide dynamic range make them well suited to continuous CCT measurement of ambient light in display management systems, and automatic-white-balance assistance in camera applications. Some products have additional IR channels to assist with IR light source identification.

color sensors

Ambient light sensors & proximity detection

ams OSRAM supplies a family of products which combine an ambient light sensor (ALS) and proximity detection in a single device. The ALS provides measurements of ambient light intensity which matches the human eye’s response to light under a variety of lighting conditions.

The proximity detection feature allows a large dynamic range of operation for use over short distances and behind dark glass. These devices are intended for use in mobile phones, and over longer distances for presence detection in computer displays and monitors.

ambient light sensors, proximity detection

Color sensors & proximity detection

The ams OSRAM family of color and ambient light sensing (ALS) sensors combined with proximity detection provides red, green, blue, and clear (RGBC) or green and clear (ALS) light sensing and proximity detection. These modules also contain an IR LED or VCSEL for the proximity function.

Both the light and proximity sensing functions feature high sensitivity and a wide dynamic range, so these devices may be placed behind the dark bezels of smartphones, monitors, laptops, tablets and TVs.

color sensors, proximity detection

Spectral sensing

The multi-spectral sensing family includes a broad array of spectral sensing devices providing between 6 and 18 channels in the visible and near-infrared spectrum. All products feature interference filters directly deposited on photodiodes to deliver precise spectral characteristics. Most include direct LED drivers to synchronize and control light sources for efficient external light source operation.

Chip-scale spectral sensing solutions from ams OSRAM enable designers to implement a broad range of new applications such as: advanced color detection, smoke type detection, optimization in horticulture, authentication, and color and spectral analysis of materials and fluids.

spectral sensing

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Proximity sensors

ams OSRAM proximity sensors function by pulsing an IR emitter, which can be either an Infrared Light Emitting Diode (IR-LED) or a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL), and measuring the reflected energy returned from a target. The amount of reflected energy is inversely proportional to the target distance and proportional to the target size and reflectance. The trend toward narrow bezel and no bezel smart phone designs presents new challenges beyond those that occur with traditional proximity system designs that use IR ink apertures on a wide bezel. Technology developed by ams OSRAM will enable accurate ambient light, color and proximity sensing solutions to operate behind OLED displays.


Ambient light, color, spectral & proximity sensors product list