ams TSL27713 Ambient Light Sensor



The TSL2771 family of devices provides both ambient light sensing (ALS) and proximity detection (when coupled with an external IR LED). The ALS approximates human eye response to light intensity under a variety of lighting conditions and through a variety of attenuation materials. The proximity detection feature allows a large dynamic range of operation for use in short distance detection behind dark glass such as in a cell phone or for longer distance measurements for applications such as presence detection for monitors or laptops. The programmable proximity detection enables continuous measurements across the entire range. In addition, an internal state machine provides the ability to put the device into a low power mode in between ALS and proximity measurements providing very low average power consumption.



  • Patented dual-diode architecture
  • 1M:1 dynamic range
  • Programmable LED drive current
  • Programmable interrupt function
  • Area efficient 2mm x 2mm Dual Flat no-lead (FN) package


  • Enables operation in IR light environments
  • Enables operation in 10 kLux sunlight and accurate sensing behind spectrally distorting materials
  • Allows multiple power level selection without external passives
  • Reduces microprocessor interrupt overhead
  • Reduces board space requirements while simplifying designs




Application note

Environmental documents

Lifecycle documents
